C) To discuss social and cultural significance of food preparation and consumption.
We learnt that there are lots of different ways to prepare a certain type of food. For example, using various pots, pans and utensils, the duration of the cooking process, the wide range of ingredients... Every single detail matters, since their customers range from Muslims to Indians, who don't take pork and beef respectively.
E) To reflect on teamwork and group collaboration during the trail.
As the places we were required to meet up at were extremely far and clashed with our schedules for some of us, we could not attend all the meetings. Despite this, we overcame the problem by trying to understand that each of us had our own appointments and forgave us. In return, the members who failed to show up at a certain meeting made it up by to those who went by ensuring their presence at the next meeting or doing other work such as the vodcast presentation or the reflection blog.
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