Thursday, 18 July 2013

Answer for B.

B) To discuss issues like racial and religious sensitivities
As there was one Malay and one Indian student in our group, we had to take note of what they could not eat. For example, the Malays couldn't take pork, so we had to make sure that the restaurants we went to were halal, or that their dishes didn't contain pork. The Indians as well, we had to ensure that the dishes we ordered for the filming of the video didn't contain beef. Of course, there were restaurants that we really had to go to to film our video but weren't halal. In this case, we tried to go to these restaurants when the Malay and Indian student couldn't make it. If they could come, we informed them and kindly asked them to eat before they came, so that they would not feel hungry when we film the food. With this, we keep in mind the various food our friends are unable to eat and in future also do the same if a project is given.

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